Wills and Estate Planning in Leduc, Edmonton, Beaumont & Leduc County
Take care of your loved ones and yourself with proper estate planning. Jackie, Handerek & Forester gives you experienced assistance in making decisions now to make the future more secure if you become unable to manage your affairs through absence, disability or death. Please call to book an appointment in Leduc, Edmonton or Beaumont.
Non-Contentious Estates
Fees - $2,250 plus 1% of the gross value of estate based on the recommended fee schedule in the estates’ rules.
You have many reasons to entrust a qualified professional to assist with the administration of a loved one’s estate. The experienced lawyers of Jackie, Handerek & Forester can determine complex estate requirements:
If a court application is necessary
If the estate needs to be probated
Dealing with final details
Properly handling the assets of the deceased

Individual - $450 plus disbursements and GST
Couple - $600 plus disbursements and GST
Having a properly prepared and executed Last Will and Testament ensures that those who you want to inherit your estate will be the ones to do so. Having a professional prepare your Last Will and Testament will give you confidence and peace of mind that your estate matters will be dealt with according to your wishes. Fees may vary depending on the complexity of the will.
Personal Directives
Individual - $200 plus disbursements and GST
Couple - $300 plus disbursements and GST
This document is prepared to appoint an Agent to act on your behalf with respect to making decisions for you. Some examples are health care, accommodation, long-term care, and other personal decisions that you may be unable to make or convey due to circumstances.

Enduring Power of Attorney
Individual - $200 plus disbursements and GST
Couple - $300 plus disbursements and GST
A Power of Attorney appoints an attorney (usually a trusted family member) to act on your behalf with respect to making any financial decisions. The two types of POA are:
Springing Enduring Power of Attorney, effective upon you becoming mentally incapable of making decisions or you declaring in writing that it is to become effective.
Enduring Power of Attorney effective upon the signing of the document.
Any 2 of the Above Services
Individual - $500 plus disbursements and GST
Couple - $750 plus disbursements and GST
All 3 of the Above Services
Individual - $700 plus disbursements and GST
Couple - $900 plus disbursements and GST